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RE: Opening a URL and closing it after a few seconds on WikitudeSDK

RE: Opening a URL and closing it after a few seconds on WikitudeSDK

Hi Danial,
Have you tried your snippet in a mobile browser ;)? I did and on iOS it does not work. I tried it with the standard Safari application and the following content.

Maybe you need to find another solution for iOS.

Best regards


Hi Danial!

I just checked your approach using the Wikitude app's Developer Section.
As expected Android has same behavior than iOS.
Note that although the Wikitude SDK has a WebView inside it does not provide you all the features of a desktop browser, e.g. opening window in new tab.

Good thing is that you can go for another solution:
Use the urlListener to intercept JS calls with custom protocol "architect://", have a look at the native POI Detail sample for more details.

Kind regards,


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