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Wikitude Module with Alloy

Wikitude Module with Alloy

Hello Everyone,

Has anyone implemented the Wikitude module with Alloy?  My classic examples are working great, but I would prefer to use Alloy.



Hi Darnell,
Can you quickly summarize why the Wikitude Module does not work with Alloy? As far as I know it's just another JS framework but is compatible with existing Titanium Modules.

Best regards


Hello Andreas,

It's not that it won't work.  I am just trying to figure out the best why to set it up if you use alloy.  Separating the code (views and controllers) for alloy is where I am having issues.  I will continue to work at it.



Hi Darnell,
The Wikitude Module contains only a view that you can use as any ohter Titanium view object. 

Best regards



like you, i keep on trying using Wikitude with alloy. But it's sad to fail when titanium is being in alloy for more than one year?


Hello Andreas,

In Alloy, wikitude.createWikitudeView is not properly supported.

Please, do you plan to adapt the wikitude titanium samples to Titanium?

Thank You.


I have tried to integrate samples to alloy,

Let me tell you the result, recognition and image,3d-model appearance  works well.


However "3D models - > 3D Model At Geo Location" doesn't work.


These are my procedure , for your information.



1.Copy three directories and two files from Resources directory.

WikitudeTitaniumSample/Resources/iphone -> myAlloy/app/assets/iphone WikitudeTitaniumSample/Resources/android -> myAlloy/app/assets/android WikitudeTitaniumSample/Resources/ui -> myAlloy/app/assets/ui WikitudeTitaniumSample/Resources/jsuri-1.1.1.js -> myAlloy/app/assets/jsuri-1.1.1.js WikitudeTitaniumSample/Resources/util.js -> myAlloy/app/assets/util.js

2.then paste my key in ui/MainWindow.js

var WikitudeLicenseKey = "mykey";

3. add MainWindow.js as tab to the tabgroup in index.js

var MainWindow = require('/ui/windows/MainWindow');
var mw= new MainWindow();
var tab0 = Ti.UI.createTab({
window: mw,
title: 'AR'



Hi Guys,
Currently we don't test our Module with Alloy. If there are any incompatible issues, please use the plain Titanium project template.

Best regards

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