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Fixing skipped frames/ Do work in background

Fixing skipped frames/ Do work in background

I have a wikitude application which assigns tracker objects to 20 images in a "for" loop and also has a database access operation. I read on a few forums how this could be a memory intensive operation and can cause skipping frames. How do I address this issue? How can I run some code parallely or in the background. I am only familiar with working in the .js sample files given with wikitude. Thank you for your help.

The code will basically run in parallel to the rendering all the time. Running the javascript code parallel won't be necessary for the usecase you are looking and would not be possible (At the momement there is no widely available way to run differetn Javascript code in parallel). Any operation accessing resources (e.g. Network) is implemented asynchronously in javascript anyway, so there won't be any problem.

There are some operations in the Wikitude API that require more processing power and might induce a frame skip. As this usually highly depend on the code being run, I would suggest implementing the World without thinking too much about performance beforehand. If you run into problems, just let us know what they are and we will be happy to help. This approach follows the common practice of "first make it run, then make it run fast". For the usecase you are describing I doubt that this will give you any performance problems.
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