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Load local WTC file.

Load local WTC file.

1 person has this problem

I got what you mean.


It works now.

Hi Frederick,
We both made a simple mistake that lead to the load error. 
You have to pass the tracker path as a relative path to the ARchitect World. The ARchitect World is located in 'www/world/', so the tracker path has to be 'wtc/'.

Hope this fixes the problem for you as well.

Best regards



I am working on Android, not iOS, but I don't find any error loading message in the debug console; However, the WTC file not downloaded as "onLoaded" not fired.



You should be able to load a .wtc file from the application bundle although the .js file (script) is not. I did a quick test with the native SDK and it's working very well. After that I rebuild the same setup in a PhoneGap application and so far I get a tracker failed to load log in the Xcode console. Can you verify that the same output is also logged in your Xcode console? 
I will continue to have a look at this problem and will post any findings in this thread.

Wikitude SDK: Tracker: failed to load ()


Best regards


Actually, we would like to download the latest WTC first when startingup the application.

But, the world javascript file will be hosting on a remote server.

How can we load the WTC file locally with a remote JS file for World.



We would like to load the WTC local but running the World Javascript file from remote server.

The world Javascript file is hosting on a remote server.
e.g. <script src=""></script>

We can't load the local WTC file as following.

// Initialize Tracker
this.tracker = new AR.Tracker('www/world/wtc/', {
onLoaded: this.worldLoaded


Can we do that? Thanks.
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