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android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #6: Error inflating cla

android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #6: Error inflating cla


I am new to wikitude and I have the same issue.

I implement the sdk very carfully (and have very simply hello world wikitude app), and also read the docs.

Yes I am delivering the onResume and onPause to the architectView. But it's still seems to crash after I close the screen and open it.

I have Samsung Galaxi 3 Android 4.03. 

It's a little bother me that was no answer from 4/13/14. Gabriele Boccone can you please check this issue?

any workaround will be nice too!





Dov, the issue that I was experiencing on Android device went away right after Wikitude has published a new SDK for Android and I have installed it. I do not have reports from users using my app that Android App crashes since then. 


Just download the latest and it work!

I was use the jar from the samples - I guss it's not updated.


Tnx again




I am still having the same kind of crash when returning from a close phone.

But it's happned more rarly - 1 to 4 or 5.


can you please check this.

Again I have Samsung galaxi S3 4.03.


In the log you can see that the architectView has a null pointer exception.


07-28 23:43:35.975: E/AndroidRuntime(24337): at

07-28 23:43:35.975: E/AndroidRuntime(24337): at

07-28 23:43:35.975: E/AndroidRuntime(24337): at

07-28 23:43:35.975: E/AndroidRuntime(24337): ... 12 more

07-28 23:43:35.975: E/AndroidRuntime(24337): Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

07-28 23:43:35.975: E/AndroidRuntime(24337): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.constructNative(Native Method)

07-28 23:43:35.975: E/AndroidRuntime(24337): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(

07-28 23:43:35.975: E/AndroidRuntime(24337): at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(

07-28 23:43:35.975: E/AndroidRuntime(24337): ... 23 more

07-28 23:43:35.975: E/AndroidRuntime(24337): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

07-28 23:43:35.975: E/AndroidRuntime(24337): at com.wikitude.architect.ArchitectView.a(Unknown Source)

07-28 23:43:35.975: E/AndroidRuntime(24337): at com.wikitude.architect.ArchitectView.<init>(Unknown Source)

07-28 23:43:35.975: E/AndroidRuntime(24337): ... 26 more


Hi there!

Could you please check if the issue still occurs on latest Wikitude SDK 4.x and let me know the outcome?

Link to Download latest Wikitude SDK


with the new 4.0 SDK it's happend 100% of the times.

The error is diffrent.



This is the log:


07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.iapps.threatsscanner/com.iapps.threatsscanner.ScannerActivity}: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at$700(

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at$H.handleMessage(

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at android.os.Looper.loop(

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at$

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at com.wikitude.architect.ArchitectView.onCreate(Unknown Source)

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at com.iapps.threatsscanner.ScannerActivity.onCreate(

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): ... 12 more

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at android.hardware.Camera.native_setup(Native Method)

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at android.hardware.Camera.<init>(

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at com.wikitude.architect.ArchitectView.b(Unknown Source)

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at com.wikitude.architect.ArchitectView.<init>(Unknown Source)

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.constructNative(Native Method)

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): at com.iapps.threatsscanner.ScannerActivity.onCreate(

07-30 22:02:22.930: E/AndroidRuntime(10870): ... 15 more


Hi again,

Seems as if you're device's camera is not accessible.
Could you please try restarting it and check behavior on another S3 or Android device?
We have an S3 in the office but are not able to repproduce the issue.

Kind regards


Thanks for the quick replay and check!


which OS version you have? mine is 4.03.

I must point two points.

1. On the first time it's works good (not when returning from close screen). 

2. when I only change the "wikitudesdk.jar" to the 3 version it's working again. and 1 to 5 tries it's crash with anther issue.


just to verify the bug - when the app is running. close the screen with the close button. then open it (either with the close or home button) and open the lock screen.

In SDK 3 it will works and sometimes (1 to 4-5)  you will get NullPointerException

In SDK 4 it will crash 100% consistently all the times.


Thanks again,


We tested on the official Android 4.1.2 OTA version of the Samsung S3.
Please check the delivered apk that comes with the Wikitude Android SDK (WikitudeSDK_Android_4_0_0/Examples/apk) and let me know the results.
Could you please also check on other devices and check if there an OS update of your device solves the issue?

Kind regards


while testing on your APK it's work! so I will try to isolate the problem.

I don't want to update the device because I want to support from 4.03.

I will let you know if I will found somting.

If you have any suggestion I will be happy to here it. (send the code, js , etc...)





while trying to isolate the problem and compare exactly with the sdk I found two difference if the manifest:

1. <supports-screens

android:smallScreens="false" android:largeScreens="true"

android:normalScreens="true" android:anyDensity="true" 

android:xlargeScreens="true" />

2. android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize"

After adding 1, the crash occure 25% of the times. and after adding 2, it's didn't happend anymore.

I guss you know better why? (-:


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