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Image Recognition with 3d not working. Help appreciated

Image Recognition with 3d not working. Help appreciated

Hi all,

I am a Computer Science College Student, and i just downloaded the wikitude ARchitect web trial version from the downloads section. I was looking through the examples and i tried opening the index.html file for the image recognition with 3d example,

it opens up a wikitude page and its not doing anything.

I noticed that my webcam did not turn on by itself, so my question is -

Do I personally need to set up the camera and everything myself?

Is there a simple image recognition 3d example that works that i could get?

How have you all learned how to use this SDK?


All help is appreciated. Also, i am working on a Macbook Pro.

Thank you for your time.

Hi Ian,

the Wikitude SDK is working on smartphones and tablets and related hardware, but not on a desktop machine. As the Wikitude SDK is based on web technolgies, the SDK is called web SDK. Sorry for the confusion. If you decide to still give it a try on iOS or Android, the documentation should give you a good idea how to setup your project.
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