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Screenshot delegate not being called

Screenshot delegate not being called


I found a method 

- (void)captureScreenWithMode:(WTScreenshotCaptureMode)captureMode usingSaveMode:(WTScreenshotSaveMode)saveMode saveOptions:(WTScreenshotSaveOptions)options context:(NSDictionary *)context;

I call this method with following parameters:

But the didCaptureScreenWithContext nor the didFailCaptureScreenWithError are called on my delegate.

Am I doing something wrong here?

thanks for the help,



I just made a quick test to see if there is a problem with the capture functionality and it's working for me. 

I assume that you have set the delegate on your WTArchitectView instance to an object which implements the delegate methods?



If this wasn't the problem, can you send me more information about the iOS device and iOS version?

Best regards


Hi Andreas,

I set the delegate:

((WTStandardARViewController*)self.arViewController).architectView.delegate = self;


And my class is conforming to WTArchitectViewDelegate, implementing

- (void)architectView:(WTArchitectView *)architectView didCaptureScreenWithContext:(NSDictionary *)context 


- (void)architectView:(WTArchitectView *)architectView didFailCaptureScreenWithError:(NSError *)error


I'm using iOS7 on an iPhone5




Hi Thomas,

when you trigger the screenshot creation, the view will flash white like when you make a screenshot with the lock and home button.

Do you also see this effect? Just want to make sure that the screenshot generation was triggered.

Best regards


Hi Andreas,

no, it is not flashing.

That's also not the implementation I would expect.

Are you not using the video sample buffer to generate screens?

I also didn't know an app could reuse iOS's screenshot functionality (lock screen + home screen), or are you creating the "flash" effect yourself?





we added the "flash" effect to indicate the user that something did happen.

When you can validate that the -captureScreenWithMode:usingSaveMode:saveOptions:context: is called, then the screenshot generation was aborted even before the effect could start which means that there was something not correct in the initial caputre setup. 

Please make also sure that the capture method is called from the main thread/queue.

Could you send me a project where the issue appears to, subject "screenshot"?


Best regards

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