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GeoLocation based on GSM

GeoLocation based on GSM

Hi Michal,

The issue you're describing is related to the LocationProvider implementation. You can implement a custom version preferring Netweork positioning or even implement your own indoor location strategy using the available libraries out there (e.g.
There will be an SDK Update these days. Please have a look at the and start debugging / customizing there.

Kind regards,


I use Android 4.1.2. on Sony Xperia S.


this is highly platform dependent. What platform are you testing this on and what device are you using?

In general we don't differentiate between a GPS or other means of positioning (Wifi, Cellbased). However any location inaccuracy of course has impact on the visualisation accuracy. Therefore GPS should be preferred has it is the most accurate.


 I tested wikitude examples and found that whenever my GPS is turned off I can't get any geolocation working (no POI shows up).

 Is there a way to enable geolocation services based on GSM or do we have to have GPS turned on and connected?



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