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how to click marker and link to google map

how to click marker and link to google map

how to click marker and link to google map


how to get direction between two point

Clicking on a marker is demonstrated in Example "Points Of Interest - Selecting Pois". You basically assing a function to the onClick trigger of an AR.GeoObject or any Drawable.


var myDrawable = new AR.ImageDrawable(image, 2.5, {
onClick: function() { /* do something */ }


To open e.g. Google Maps you can either open a native Google Maps activity by communicating from JavaScript back to the native application. See example "Browsing Pois - Reloding Poi Data" and e.g. following forum post

Or open a webpage using AR.context.openInBrowser("<url>"), which opens the supplied URL in a fullscreen browser.


As for the direction: we currently do not offer an API method to get the direction between two points. You can use a 3rd party javascript library that deals with coordinates and allows you to calculate the direction (e.g.

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