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Unable to run example project

Unable to run example project

Hi I'm running the latest WikitudeSDK on an Android Nexus 10. I am able to build the example application project, but application crashes soon after it starts. This is what I see on the console:

06-21 19:18:02.259: D/AndroidRuntime(6914): Shutting down VM

06-21 19:18:02.259: W/dalvikvm(6914): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40c3b930)

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): FATAL EXCEPTION: main

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.wikitude.sdksamples/com.wikitude.samples.MainActivity}: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=6; regionStart=0; regionLength=-1

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at$600(

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at$H.handleMessage(

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at android.os.Looper.loop(

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at$

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): Caused by: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=6; regionStart=0; regionLength=-1

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at java.lang.String.startEndAndLength(

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at java.lang.String.substring(

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at com.wikitude.samples.MainActivity$SampleMeta.<init>(

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at com.wikitude.samples.MainActivity.getActivitiesToLaunch(

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at com.wikitude.samples.MainActivity.getListLabels(

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at com.wikitude.samples.MainActivity.onCreate(

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): at

06-21 19:18:02.259: E/AndroidRuntime(6914): ... 11 more

06-21 19:23:02.299: I/Process(6914): Sending signal. PID: 6914 SIG: 9


Hi Diego,

Thanks a lot for the hint. Please remove the ade.js in the "assets/samples"-folder. This will fix the issue.
We will remove the file as soon as possible.

Also: Please let us know if you have any issues with your device and send us details (OS version, ...) to or

I am trying load my app on Lollipop version. Its getting Same error, though after removing ade.js. 


Please suggest me what to do now

Please have a look at the sample app of very latest SDK 5.0 beta (and soon published official 5.0) and let me know your findings.

PS.: The post you replied to was already 2 years old, the issue should not occur anymore though.
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