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Wikitude Crashes

Wikitude Crashes


I've written an App that includes Wikitude. When I load 50 POIs I get problems. The Wikitude-Browser starts and displays all POIs. When I select a POI, the app also changes to the details page. But if I now want to switch back to the Wikitude browser via the back button, the app crashes and starts again. This is the Error-Code:


05-27 09:42:14.536: E/dalvikvm-heap(1372): 262144-byte external allocation too large for this process.

05-27 09:42:14.536: E/dalvikvm(1372): Out of memory: Heap Size=12999KB, Allocated=11527KB, Bitmap Size=11379KB

05-27 09:42:14.536: E/GraphicsJNI(1372): VM won't let us allocate 262144 bytes


I've tested it with multiple devices. Depending on the device, the crash occurs at a different number of POIs loaded.


Then I tested it with the sample app (SimpleARBrowser). This also crashes with the same error message when a certain number of POIs is reached.


I've no idea where the fault is. Is there a limit on POIs?




Hi Lars,

This is in fact not expected behavior.
Could you please let us know on which devices you did applied your tests and how many POIs you were using.

Kind regards,

Hi Andreas,

I've tested it with a HTC Desire A8181 installed Android 2.2.2 and with ja Huawai-Phone. The number of POIs where about 30-60.


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