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New HTC One and Focus

New HTC One and Focus


dear all,


Does anybody already use the wikitude SDK with the new HTC One ? It seems that the camera sensor don't make the focus, so, no image is detected. Is there any way to force the phone to make the focus or is it a bug with the SDK on this particular HTC ?









Hi Olivier,


the HTC One does seem to have some issues with auto focus in the current version of the HTC camera drivers: or


As the HTC One has been released only very recently, we currently do not have one available for testing.

However, we are currently re-working the interface between Wikitude App/SDK and the device camera and will pay special attention to the described issue. The described improvements will be part of the next release which is scheduled for June.

It would be perfect if you could keep us posted if you notice any changes related to the camera with the updated version.


Best regards,

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