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3D model manipulation

3D model manipulation



Does the SDK provide 3D manipulation ? I would simply like to scale up or rotate my model without implementing model.scale(...) on my own. A priori, this feature is not available in the sdk but I just wanted a confirmation.


Hello Jack,

Currently the SDK supports scale, translation and rotation for a 3d-Model. More info in the reference:

Hope that helps, 

Yes but you have to implement it yourself. My question was if there was already a default implementation of it. 

I guess there is not, I will have to do the binding between my action and the model to provide rotation and scale to my model.


Thank you anyway

I'm not sure if I understand your question properly.

In the Wikitude3dEncoder you see a blue and a red line in the coordinate system. When you open the Wikitude3dEncoder then the right side of the red line describes the positive x-axis. The blue line that points to the bottom right describes the positive z-axis. And the invisible up-line describes the positive y-axis. We will provide a better description for the axis in a future update of the Wikitude3dEncoder.

With the SDK you can display a model in two different ways:

display it at a geolocation (latitude, longitude) as a cam-drawable of a GeoObject

display it when an image is recognized as a cam-drawable of a Trackable2DObject

In the GeoObject-case the negative z-axis of the model points to the north. In the Trackable2DObject-case the model is being displayed in the center of the recognized image with the same coordinate system as in the Wikitude3dEncoder (positive x-axis points to the right, positive z-axis points to you, positive y-axis points up).

These are the default settings if you dont set anything on creation. 
Does this answer your question?

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