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WTSimpleARBrowser mistakes

WTSimpleARBrowser mistakes

Same happens with the alert. I can see it in the device with iOS 6 but not in the one with iOS 5

Hey Wolfgang,

How sure can we be that the Location updates, I didn't find a setter on the architectview to tell it how many times it has to update. Do you use an internal CLLocationManager for updating the location or are you using the HTML5 Locations?
When we're "in the field", we find that sometimes it's not updating for several 100's meters, is there a setting we can put on the updates of the locations? Like in iOS you would put "BestForNavigation" etc?

Or you think in that case it's better to run our own instance of the CLLocationManager and inject the new locations to the ArchitectView?


The SDK uses an iOS CLLocationManager object to retrieve location updates. Currently you cannot influence the internal CLLocationManager settings.

You can create your own CLLocationManager object and inject the location into the Wikitude SDK. 


Best regards


What does the current CLLocationManager use as settings? 
For example: self.locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest;
But okay, that makes it quite transparent for us, thanks!

Maybe insert a feature in the next SDK to tweak these settings? :)


What about my question? Should the examples work on iOS 5 as in iOS 6?


It shouldn't matter if you're using iOS 5 or iOS 6. Have you tested it on both os at the same time and at the same location?


Best regards



I have tested the same app with the same configuration in an iPhone 4 running on iOS 5 (where it didn't worked) and in another iPhone 4 running on iOS 6 (where it worked)


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