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Tracker no loaded

Tracker no loaded

When you download a zip file from Vuforia through Safari, the browser unzips the file automatically. So, compress the unzipped directory is not the good way to go. You have to get the zip file from vuforia and don't try to make a new zip file from the unzipped directory...

Hi there!

Not sure what the issue might be.
Did you try to run the SimpleIRExample already and ran into same issue?
Were you using your own *.zip file for the tracker?

It seems that I forgot one permission but now the ARchitectView is displayed with black background (instead of camera view) and stopped few seconds later. 

thanks for your answer.
Yes, I included it.
Hi Olivier,

did you include the Please see: Wikitude SDK Documentation Android section Vuforia Feature for more details.
Dear all,
The ARchitectWebview has sent this message:

I/ArchitectWebView(28649): Successfully downloaded file: /mnt/sdcard/com.myApp.myAppapp/
D/ArchitectWebViewClient(28649): Started loading page: http://.../AugmentedRealityWorld.html
D/ArchitectWebView(28649): JS to load: AR.logger.error("ServiceManager: platform part of service (vuforia) failed to start: could not start service")

The tracker is never loaded. No error occured but the "trackerLoaded" function isn't fired. In the ARWorld, the "messageElement" just says "Loading..." indefinitely. 
Do you have an idea what I did wrong ?

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