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Auto-Zoom ARObjects in Landscape Mode & ImageLoading Issue

Auto-Zoom ARObjects in Landscape Mode & ImageLoading Issue

Hi All,

I'm using Wikitude SDK for an application(iOS) in which i'm displaying some Markers against LatLong but I'm facing different issues which nobody mentioned yet or may be i'm doing something wrong in coding.

Here are issues:

1 -  architechView display Camera and markers fine on Portrait mode, But when i turned device in Landscope mode, architechView objects & Camera both performed Orientation as it required. But all AR.GeoObjects get auto-zoom IN. I don't know why.

Note: I'm using - (void)willRotateToInterfaceOrientation Method. to support autoOrientation{



See attachments for quick understanding.


2 - I'm loading some images from URL to show as markers on Camera but architecthView is giving error which print on xcode console.

Code to load image from URL:


 if(jsonObject.imageURL.length >0)

            poiImage = new AR.ImageResource(jsonObject.imageURL, {onError: errorLoadingImage});


  poiImage = defaulImage;



Here is error "ERROR removed cached image from url cache because ARchitectCore failed creating image texture"

if anybody knows what are causes or what i'm doing wrong, Please share your experience with me.


Aamir Ali 

Hi Aamir,

1) The objects in your cam should not appear larger when your rotate your device. On which device are you experiencing this behavior?


2) Which dimensions does your image resources have (width, height in pixel)? You're getting this log only if the ARchitect wasn't able to create the texture on your device (this happens if the texture memory has not enough space to create the texture).

How many images are you loading?


Best regards





Hi Andreas,

1 ==> I'm using iPhone 4 with 5.1.1 iOS.

2==> Image resoure dimensions are: 185X88 pixels and No. of images bases upon no. of POIs objects which are random but roughly can be about 0 to 200+.



Aamir Ali



You should consider to display less than 200 pois. We experienced that 50 pois are most of the time enough. You are in some ways limited on how many images you can display. 

Regarding your rotation behavior, I will post another message as soon as I can.


Best regards



Hi Andreas,

Yeah, I also test for the few pois, architechView display images fine but we want to show more-than 100 or 200 pois. Anybody knows how it can be possible?

==> About the Auto-Zoom issue, I got the root-cause. It was "geoObj.renderingOrder = i;" Here 'i' was making issue. Changing renderingOrder = 1 everything displaying fine in both Landscape & Portrait mode except POIs Images.



Aamir Ali



I am also getting zoom problem in my wikitude. I have tried  renderingOrder = 1 but it does not work for me.

Can you explain what exaclty the problem is which cause my wikitude to zoom while i rotate the device in landscape mode.

Thanks and Regards

Abhishek Goyal


I guess you're using the WikitudeSDK? Have you configured your WTArchitectView so that it rotates correctly into every orientation?

Which device are you using and what version of iOS does it run?

Best regards,

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