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Which method is called when image is recognized in WTArchitect in ios?

Which method is called when image is recognized in WTArchitect in ios?


the iOS SDK doesn't has a designated mehtod which is called if a tracker in your ARchitectWorld found a image target. What you can do to acomplish this is, that you can call 'document.location = architectsdk://TrackerDidDiscoveredImageTarget?id=<aImageTargetID>' in your onEnterFieldOfVisionTrigger of the Trackable2DObject. Then you can set the delegate of your WTArchitectView instance to a object which is conform to the WTArchitectViewDelegate protocol and which implements the -urlWasInvoked: method. Inside urlWasInvoked, you can check if the passed url is equal to the url which you passed as your document.location. If you have multiple image targets, you can check the id which you can pass as an paramter of the url. After that, you can call any method in ObjC that you want to.

Best regards


Which method is called when image is recognized in WTArchitect in ios?


Please reply me , actually i want to call a maethod only when image is recognized.? So i want to know which method is call when recognized
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