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I?ve uploaded a Wikitude World, but I can?t find it in Wikitude. Why?

I?ve uploaded a Wikitude World, but I can?t find it in Wikitude. Why?

See question above - taken from the Wikitude FAQ section.
There might be multiple reasons for Wikitude to not show your world:
In general, it can take a few hours for Wikitude clients to recognize newly created Worlds. Please check Wikitude regularly to see if your World is showing.
A common error is that longitude and latitude are mixed up in the tag. The format needs to be longitude,latitude (and an optional altitude on meters) ? please double-check if you are unsure.
Ensure that your World is visible within the test system ? the test system should show your world immediately after the upload. If the world is not visible in the test system, your World is not delivering valid data. If you?ve uploaded a KML or ARML file, please check the error messages after the upload on ? they will let you know what went wrong. If you?ve provided a web-service, please make sure that you?re delivering a valid ARML.
Does your world deliver results in your area (you can check in the test system)? Wikitude will only show your World if it has results in your area. You can use the test system to fake your location and try Wikitude virtually in those regions where your World delivers results.
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