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The Wikitude Team
Is there any way to simply integrate the map view into an ARchitect world?
Is there any way to simply integrate the map view into an ARchitect world?

Hi Robert,
With the next version of ARchitect (July 2012) we are going to release a sample World that shows you an easy way to add a map and list view to your Architect World.

Due to performance considerations, I would advice you to wait with this feature until July, because in this next version of the ARchitect we are going to add a function to pause all camera related functions when needed. This frees up computational power to do non-cam related things like a map or list view. 

Hope that helps,

Was map and list view added in the last update to Architect? Also, is there any plan to make world-specific search available in ARML based worlds?

Is this still an issue or has it been solved!??!?!?

Caro Massimo,

Al momento stiamo lavorando su un semplice snippet di codice per la Map View, ma non possiamo ancora garantire una data di rilascio.

Ti ringrazio per il tuo interesse in Wikitude e ti consiglio di rimanere sintonizzato.

Un cordiale saluto,


Grazie Simone,


quindi mi confermi che al momento le opzioni di pubblicazione di world sono:

- kml/arml con client wikitude app e con clustering "obbligato" dei POI.

- ARchitect pi? customizzabile ma con mapview e listview e info arml da implementare.




Di nulla Massimo!

Direi che hai riassunto in modo corretto la situazione :)

Un saluto,

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